Teresa Teo Guttensohn & Joshua Yang

The Mundane and the Sublime

- A Dialogue about Easter Eggs and the Mystery of the Resurrection


Join our two artists in this session for an insightful dialogue exploring the symbolism of Easter Eggs and Bunnies, intertwined with reflections on their artistic journeys through challenging times. Discover Teresa's passion for volunteering and ecological activism, while delving into Joshua's journey of rediscovering beauty in sacred paintings amid periods of disillusionment and self-reflection.

The session culminates in a captivating demonstration of oil color mixing, alongside an exploration of the symbolic significance of colors.

artist BIo

Teresa Teo Guttensohn is the President and Co-founder of Cicada Tree Eco-Place, an environmental education NGO formed in response to the rapid decline of natural habitats, biodiversity loss, and climate change. An eco-artist and wildlife activist, Teresa also advocates for the protection of Singapore’s natural heritage and last wilderness.

Joshua Yang is an educator and painter who works mainly with oils and a limited palette. His subject matter ranges from simple objects to sacred images. As an ex-engineer, his works tend to combine concepts of physics and art.


artist showcase


"I have always been drawn to St Francis and the Franciscan spirituality. Both the artists' artworks discussed are so beautiful and it helped strengthen my faith journey through art and not only through the Bible. This is ‘Seeing Anew’ and refreshing. Enjoyed the session very much. " - Joey Gomez

"The pictures are so beautiful and the presentation was very good. The Holy Spirit speaks to us works through these lovely artworks and it’s a reminder that we must use the talents given by God for the glory of his kingdom.

In Teresa's piece, the wolf with halo reminds me that Jesus is there for me whether I'm good or not. And Joshua’s drawings reminded me of the nourishment of the holy communion to the mother and to the child in the womb (‘before I formed you in the womb I knew you')." - Josephine Teo


Marcin Biesek

Bread, Stone, Flesh


In this session, Marcin shares his insights and thoughts when creating his art pieces.

artist BIo

Marcin Bernard Biesek is a visual artist (painting, sculpture) living in Singapore. He was born in Poland and has lived in the UK before moving to Singapore in 2018, where he continues his work and also in organising art workshops.


artist showcase


A beautiful piece of art painted with passion. Wish he could show us more of his other paintings."

- Agnes Lau

"Marcin’s shared on the sufferings of the (Syrian & Ukrainian refugees) during the war which inspired his work of art. Appreciate his effort sincerity and humility."

- Joey Gomez


Lee Kowling

Praying Through Art


In this session, Kowling will share her personal thoughts and insights when she created the various masterpieces over the years. Participants will then be led through a prayer reflection using a passage from the Gospel of John, and be allowed to express their reflections through their own drawings, using the various drawing mediums provided.

artist BIo

Lee Kowling has been a freelance designer and illustrator for more than 20 years. A designer by training, Kowling is the illustrator of more than 40 children’s books. Her popular works include Suchen Christine Lim’s My New Monster Truck, I want to dance and Adeline Foo’s Peranakan series which includes The Beaded Slippers, The Kitchen God, Chili Padi, The Amulet and Georgette’s Mooncake.

Kowling's many colourful artworks on the life of St Francis of Assisi reside in various locations of San Damiano Franciscan Spirituality Centre.


artist showcase


"Kowling's art is soulful to me. It touches my heart to see an expression of life that I would not speak out to the world around me. Looking at her art made me feel intrigued about the life I'm experiencing and inspires me to examine my inner self. Thank you for sharing your life stories with us."

- Li Lian

"Her works bought out feelings of fun, and are Colourful and emotive. The hands-on part was exceptionally fun." - Toviya

SESSION 4A & 4B: WED 24 & FRI 26 APRIL 2024

Anne Lee Tzu Pheng

He restores my Soul (Psalm 23)


In this two-part workshop, we see how poetry can restore us to wholeness and life, in the very process of its creation.

In Part 1, the author will explore some poems and the links between a few of her own paintings and what she writes, sharing her discovery of the healing in both forms.

Part 2 will be learning the part language can play in self-directed word-hoarding that could lead to a piece of creative writing, and, potentially, of healing.

artist BIo

Anne Lee Tzu Pheng is an internationally published author, and has nine personal collections of poetry, and a book of reflections on her faith and writing. Known for its clarity and understated humour, her work has won numerous awards including the Singapore Cultural Medallion (Poetry), the S.E.A. WRITE Award, and the Gabriela Mistral Award (Chile). Lee has mentored many of Singapore’s young writers. She trains the lectors at St Mary’s.



Elenora Koh Bee Liang & Alan Johnson

Healing Heart & The Art of Stained Glass


This session includes a reflection by Alan Johnson and an interactive art activity where participants will embark on a journey of introspection and creativity. Each participant will be provided with an Easter cross in clear acrylic, available for purchase, serving as a blank canvas for their artistic expression. Throughout the session, participants will have the opportunity to select coloured glass pieces at various reflection points to incorporate into their artwork, allowing for a meaningful exploration of personal insights and artistic interpretation.

artist BIo

Elenora Koh Bee Liang is a stained glass and architectural art glass artist with more than 40 years of experience. She is the principal artist and founder of Artglass, which offers services in commissioned stained glass artwork. She has won awards in Singapore and overseas and her art has been commissioned in Singapore and many other countries. She is in the Liturgical Art Ministry in St Mary's leading volunteers in beautiful art installations at church during the different liturgical seasons.


artist showcase

SESSION 6: FRI 10 MAY 2024

Joseph Ng & Susan Toh

A Faith Journey Unfolds Through Art and Companionship


As both individuals and a married couple, Joseph and Susan have discovered the transformative power of art in deepening their faith and strengthening their connection with God and each other.

Listen and encounter through Joseph’s experience as he reflects on his personal journey, overcoming initial apprehensions about co-creating art with the Divine, progressing from daily reflection sketches to uncovering his talent in sculpting guided by divine inspiration. Susan shares insights into their collaborative artistic process, particularly in crafting nativity scenes, which serve as inspirational focal points for their family life, prompting deep meditation on the profound mystery of the incarnation and the gift and significance of the Holy family.

Participants will be invited to participate in short reflection sketching exercises.

artist BIo

Joseph Ng and Susan Toh were married in 2008 and both have been in the architectural profession for over 20 years. Their shared faith journey began in 2015 after attending the Conversion Experience Retreat, which marked Joseph’s conversion to the Catholic faith. Discovering art as part of prayer during the Prayer Experience Retreat in 2017, Joseph and Susan started exploring art as a tool for prayer and reflection. In 2018, Joseph received an Honourable Mention for his artwork “Daily Reflections” at the Angelico Art Award and Susan received the High Commendation Award in 2022 with her piece “He Lifts Us up”. Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic, Joseph delved into self-taught sculpting and later completed the Bas-Relief artwork for the Tabernacle Doors in 2021 that is currently housed within the Chapel of The Incarnation at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul.


artist showcase